Monday, January 22, 2018

Cold Days, Warm Hearts

Dear Parents,

Another week in the books! Thank you to those who were able to come to CCE and participate in STEAM Night.



Students are required to write a summary found in Google Classroom again this week. The expectation is a complete, thoughtful answer. Our class is enjoying reading There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom.



Beginning Wednesday, Jan. 24th, students are required to complete a minimum of 15 minutes of online math Monday-Thursday. Each student has a unique math path to address their math needs. Students should click on My Recommended Topics For Study, Math, Start Studying, then-click on No Game or they can choose a game. I have shown students the program in class, and we are learning this website together!



January Night Writes are due on January 29th. Please continue to encourage your child to put forth great effort in completing the entire writing process. Our goal is to produce life-long writers, and it is so rewarding to see the students grow as writers.  


Units of Study:

Reading: Continue study of traditional literature

Writing: Expository Writing

Spelling: Unit 11

Math: Continue with fractions

Texas History: Continue Texas Revolution


Upcoming Events:

1/22 Geography Bee

1/27 UIL competition at Caraway Elementary

1/29 January Night Writes Due
