Friday, March 2, 2018

5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Spring Break!!

Dear Parents,

We have something to celebrate!  Every month Canyon Creek focuses on a different character trait.  For the month of February, we were all practicing being “optimistic”.  At the end of every month the essential teachers chooses one class that they feel best demonstrated the character trait of the month.  Our class was voted most optimistic this month!  I am so very proud of each and everyone of my students, and I LOVE that they were recognized for such a positive trait!

“Yo Leonardo!” was a hit!  Congratulations to the students, Mrs. Martin, and Mrs. Weir for a job well done.  We had a fabulous time at the Bob Bullock Museum on Thursday.  If you have never been, you now have an expert guide in your household to show you around.  I highly recommend visiting.  I would like to say a special “thank you” to Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Radhakrishnan, Mr. Morgan, and Mr. Sepe for chaperoning.

EDUCATION GO GET IT WEEK: next week!  There are three dress up days to help us promote higher education:
Monday:  Education Starts Here! (wear your favorite CCE t-shirt)
Wednesday: Post-Secondary Education Comes in Many Forms (wear your college/military/training t-shirt)
Friday: Dress up in your future career gear!

March 5th-9th - Education Go Get It
March 12th-16th - Spring Break

Reading: Nonfiction reading strategies
Spelling: Week 15 worksheet due Wednesday, test on Thursday
Writing: Grammar study
Math: Decimals
Science: Producers, Consumers, and Food Webs

Have a fabulous weekend!
