Friday, October 12, 2018

Autumn in the Air

Dear Parents,

What a fabulous week of learning we’ve had!  Your students should have come home this week with information regarding the Dead Word Funeral.  Here is a sample picture of a previous student’s work. There are several items at the dollar store this time of year that may be helpful in your child’s construction/crafting of this project.  Please follow the guidelines for the project on the bright orange sheet of paper your child received on Wednesday. This example does not have all of the required elements.

Denim Drive
Sadly, our classroom service project, the annual Denim Drive, will come to a close on October 19th.  These new or gently used denim items will be donated to the clothes closet that serves the families of Round Rock.  If you have not yet done so, please take a few minutes to go through your closets and find items you find suitable to donate.  Thank you for all of your help promoting and supporting this classroom enrichment opportunity.

Fall Library Reading Incentive
From October 2nd - November 9th, the library is holding its fall reading incentive program.  A purple sheet went home last week. For reading homework, your child will need to read a minimum of 20 minutes each night to work towards accomplishing the goal of reading a book from the different sections around the library as well as a Texas Bluebonnet Book.  The form will need to be signed by you. Your child needs to show me the completed form before turning it into the library. If they need a new purple form, they can go down to the library and get one.

Talented and Gifted
There will be a parent information night on November 6th at 6:00pm in the library.

October 19 - Denim Drive ends
October 31 - Dead Word Funeral

Reading - Procedural Text
Writing - Dead Word, begin expository writing
Spelling - Week 5 due Thursday, test Friday
Math - Angle Measurement and Geometry
Texas History - European Explorers

Enjoy the weekend!
